and produced by Charles Arthur Bliley |
Many people have asked me how I produced the CD-ROM version of my grandmother's photo album. There is no simple answer and the links from this page will provide you with some insight.
The existence of this story is the product of a request to make a presentation to the computer special interest group of the Rochester Rochester Genealogical Society in June of 2001. At first it all seemed easy, but as I started to outline the steps and the many considerations need to be covered, I realized it was far from easy. The CD-ROM is designed as a cross-platform CD that will work on the Macintosh, Windows and UNIX operating systems. The computer issues were one problem to deal with, but also the many problems of format, editorial topics, legal issues and distribution issues.
These few pages are not expected to provide a complete story, but will provide some insight as to the subject matter. There are as many unanswered questions as there are details and facts.
In June of 2000,
I completed the development of the conversion of my grandmother's
52 page (75 photos) family photo album to electronic form and
placed on CD-ROM. The contents included scans of all individual
photos and pages, a PDF version of the photo album, recourses
for all of the photos in digital form, and back ground information
on her. The CD has been distributed to approximately 30 individuals
and selected historical organizations of Erie and Erie County,
Pennsylvania. I am in search of Dawson family members to offer
them the CD. Surprisingly, I have not found one Dawson relative.
The album site and associated CD-ROM were the inspiration for an article written by Larry Naukam that was published in the September/October 2002 issue of "Heritage Quest" magazine. Larry's article, "Making a Family Genealogy CD", parallels many of the recommendations and issues discussed on the CD development site.
Here is what is on this Web site:
I would appreciate any comments you may have on the content of these pages, reference materials or the album's Web site.
Thank your for your support.
With Best Regards,
Charles A. Bliley