MDS Offices and Employees 1998

1990 TO 2000, HISTORY & MORE!



In January of 2016, I turned 70. That event gave me pause to reflect on my life and “my things” that I had collected. I decided it was a good time to clean house.newsletters 

When I began that process, I discovered some things I had collected and looked at them like they were new. Among those things was a bundle of employee newsletters from my former employer, Microwave Data Systems (MDS). Of course the newsletters were not new, but it was fun to look them over. They stimulated many memories—most of them good ones from that time period.

I worked at MDS for over eight years as the manager of technical publications and took a keen interest in most printed items that the company produced. One of those was the employee newsletter. While I had no direct responsibility for its production, I did enjoy reading news about my coworkers, and on occasion, took special pleasure in articles about my department’s activities and the fine people who worked with me.

I decided the collection was too important and interesting to throw into the trash. So, I chose to invest some of my “free time” during my winter get-away in Florida and scan the entire set of newsletters in my collection. Can you think of a better way to spend thirty hours on a month-long vacation? I can’t, but my wife was not exactly delighted.

So, here is my collection of newsletters in PDF format. They are intended solely for the personal pleasure of current and former employees, and their families. I trust you fall into that category.

Since I left MDS in the August of 1998, I have no personal insight as to subsequent newsletters other than two that Kevin Carey supplied to me. If you have any more issues to offer me for scanning, please let me know how I can get my hands on them.

I welcome your comments on this project, what the newsletter meant to you, stories about your participation in the newsletter production, or addition facts about its evolution.

In the meantime, have fun traveling in the “Way-Back Machine”!

Chuck   Chuck Bliley
Manager of Technical Publications



My collection includes 32 newsletters scanned and archived in PDF format. Click here to view newsletter resources.


In October1993, the company celebrated the move from East Rochester to Rochester, New York into a brand new 40,000 square foot factuality. I made a movie tour of the building intended for my parents back home in Erie, PA. Click here to read more about it.


The November/December 1995 issue of the employee newsletter celebrated the company's history in a front page article. Click here to view their story in detail.


I ascanned and archived the phone directories I had on hand from 1990 to 2001. Click here to read more about it.


The contents of thIS WEB site contents are intended only for personal use, and are provided as a service to current and past employees of Microwave Data Systems. Please do not publish or distribute the PDFs or my video on any other Web site or media.

To respect the privacy of the people mentioned on this Web page and in the PDFs, I have arranged for them not be indexed by search engines, such as Google and Yahoo!. You may share a link to this page with others interested people.

That is it. Thanks for stopping by. :-)

This site and associated pages are Copyright 2016, by Charles A. Bliley, Webster, NY, U.S.A.
This includes the contents of this page and my movie tour, but not the content of the newsletters.


Visit The Bliley Network Home Page for Other Projects Created by Charles A. Bliley

Updated: April 26, 2017