
Chuck & Marilyn's
Grandkids Album

A scrapbook of our grandkids.


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Entries are in reverse chronological order.

Babysitting Weekend Activities -- November 2011 

Preface: O.K. so the photos above are a bit old. Nathan is two years older and Adam is starting to use words correctly and walks without assistance. I am way behind in updating this Web page. Please accept my apology.

However, the photos in the new gallery are up to date, cute and amazing. Marilyn and I took the kids out for a hike in the woods and had a great time. Nathan and I went looking for leaves and found some huge tulip tree leaves. One of them was 10" x 11". That is big as you will be able to see. Adam saw some leaves laying on the top of a young hemlock tree. Marilyn decided to shake the tree a bit to show him they would fall down. Adam immediately grabbed the tree and shook it for a minute or two until all of the leaves were down. There is a still photo clipping of a video of Adam shaking the tree. Nathan and I took a side trip to revisit a big tree with an unusual branch that dipped down into the shape of the letter "U". This photo opportunity could not be passed up. Both boys got into looking at the tree top after I showed them you could lean against a nearby tree and bend your head back without the fear of falling. From then on, we stopped several times to admire the old growth tree tops. Of course we needed to clean up after playing in the woods and a bath was in order. :-)

Easter & Nathan's 3rd Birthday Activities -- April 2010 

Easter this year was more than a religious observance, it was also Nathan's third birthday party with family members. The following weekend, Nathan had a kids' party with a pirate theme. Beth Ann made a special pirate's chest cake with some help from Dad. All went well and we have photos to prove it.

Adam and Nathan -- Late Sept. & Early October, 2009 

Nothing special about these photos except the kids look too cute not to post them. :-)

Take a look and judge for yourself. Web Photo Gallery

Chuck's Second Grandson: Adam -- July 31, 2009 

Grandchild number two is named Adam.

From the e-mail announcement: "Good news to report! At 1:41 A.M., July 31st, Adam Gerard Waring formally joined the human race and our family as my second grandson.

The birthing process went very smoothly, and both mother and child are in excellent shape. We all are delighted and blessed.

In the days that followed, the whole family got to meet young Adam at he hospital and at my home here in Webster, NY. His great grandmother, Virginia Noble, and great aunt, Kathy Noble-Fraley, came up from Erie for a few days as our house guests. It was a wonderful time and the weather was good, considering the nature of the weather this summer. ;-)

I apologize for the delay in posting the photos and this note, but life here has been very hectic. I had an old friend up for a few days the week before Adam was born, and we took care of Nathan while Beth Ann was in the hospital. Then, the family from Erie was with us and...well you can imagine how busy we were and how exhausted we are now. O.K. so Beth Ann and Mike are pretty exhausted too."

Of course we have photos. Check them at at his first Web photo gallery.

Chuck's First Grandson: Nathaniel Foster Waring -- April 3, 2007

The little fellow is now a two-and-a-half old and continues to be a real delight to both of us. Of course, he is smart, cute and has the personality of a cherub. No complaints in any areas. Here are two galleries of Nathan's activities before the arrival of Adam.

If you would like larger copies of the photos on this site, please e-mail me with a specific reference to the photo, such as the URL.

Stay tuned for more photos. You never know when we will have another exciting day to share with you.

Updated: November 8, 2011