July 30, 2005

Engraving of Farm


Driveway and Side of House


3767 Station Road, Harborcreek Township, Erie County, Pennsylvania

Charles A. Bliley:
Descendent and Tour Coordinator

Phone: 585 385-6838



Greetings Cousins from Rochester, New York:

This is Chuck Bliley, great-great grandson of Charles and Mary Jane Bliley of Harbor Creek Township, Erie County, Pennsylvania and coordinator for the Bliley Family History Tour on July 30th. This Web site will bring you all up-to-date on the activities planned for the tour.

A simple request by cousin Dave Wagner for directions to aid him in driving by the old Bliley farmhouse in Erie has turned into something much more. While much of the house can be seen on my family history site, there is nothing better than standing inside the house of such a successful and loving family, walking the hallways they walked, and placing your hand on the barn door that they walked through every day. Fortunately for us, the current owner of this 140 year-old house, Dan and Melissa Toperzer, have agreed to our visiting them for a few hours and opening up their home and property to us.
I have tried to arrange for a tour of the retirement house for several months, but that was impossible to arrange.

The content of this e-mail will be duplicated on the Family History Tour Web site at www.Bliley.net/farm/.

If you have any questions or comments on the arrangements, please call or write me.

Thank you.


Updated: July 4th, 2005



Several people have offered to provide background stories on the community of Harbor Creek and religious activities during Charles and Mary Jane's lives. These informal presentations will be offered before we begin the tour of the farm and house.


Farmhouse and Property Tour

Tours of the interior of the house will be conducted while we are having our lunch. Groups of five or six will be taken in at a time. This is a large house and one occupied by a young family with plenty of toys around and other things to navigate over or around.

Following the tour of the property, we will assemble for a caravan tour of several sites important in Charles and Mary Jane's lives as well as visit two cemeteries in which several family members are buried including Charles, Mary Jane, and two-thirds of their children.

Road Tour

The tour would be more practical if those of us with larger vehicles or are familiar with the Erie area providing rides or navigation assistance for other members of the family from out of town or without room to spare. Several people are planning on bringing small multi-passenger vans. Those of you not driving can leave your vehicle on the farmhouse yard free-of-charge! We will stop back at the end of our road tour.

Communicating on the Road

If you have any Family Radio Service (FRS) radios, please bring them along. They could prove useful in keeping us in touch while we travel the streets of Erie. OK, we can use cell phones but they are not quite as easy to use and it is impractical to simultaneous notify all groups in the caravan.

Accessibility for the Physically-Challenged

The house is two stories and has an uneven dirt floor in the basement. The barns are hundreds of feet from the house. As a result, the property may be challenging to those with physical limitations. The cemetery plots are on relatively flat land.


A simple picnic-style lunch will be provided which will consist of assorted submarine sandwiches, soft drinks and iced tea. A local grocery chain will prepare these. If you have any dietary restrictions please let me know and I will try to assist you if possible. I am assuming there are no vegetarians among the attendees.

The homeowner will proved two picnic tables for use, but we may need more that that. If practical, please bring along lawn chairs and a card table. Shelter from the sun, or God-forbid, rain, will be provided. I know some of you are traveling by airplane or in rented vehicles and such things are impractical to pack.

Thinking that we may want to share our impressions of the day's events, I have made reservations at a Ponderosa Restaurant a few miles Northeast of the farmhouse on Buffalo Road (PA Route 20). It will not be a private room or such, but a large block of tables and booths will be reserved for us near the buffet. You will be responsible for your own expenses at Ponderosa.


Please bring along any family photos, letters or other items relating to the family to show to other and perhaps to share.


I am preparing a booklet of old photos and written material about the family, some of it in their own words, that will be distributed to those attending the tour. One brochure is offered per person or two per family. Additional copies will be offered for $5 each. OK, so I do not know what will be in the brochure for sure, but I have had many things printed at Kinko's and it is not cheap. Being significantly under-employed, I cannot afford to carry the cost of the publication. Electronic copies will be available on the Bliley Family History Web site in PDF format.

Until we all get together in Erie, I would recommend preparing for the visit by reading the memoirs of Charles A. Bliley and Mary Jane Mead Bliley on the Bliley Family History site. These will tell you a lot about their lives and family.


A donation of $10 per adult or $20 per family would be appreciated to cover the cost of the food and printing costs for the brochure. This is a nominal charge and I doubt there be any surplus.


I hope so. In order to minimize expenses for food and printing the brochure, I need to know who intends to attend and how many printed copies of the brochure you would like. Reservations must be in by July 20th.


It is Summer and Erie is on Lake Erie. The most popular local tourist site is one of the Great Lakes' greatest stops--Presque Isle State Park--known to the locals as "the peninsula". It is 12 miles of all kinds of water-based activities, plus wonderful walking trails and a dozen life-guarded beaches. And...there are the usual museums and historical sites. Look over the following Web sites for further information:

GoErie.com-- http://www.goerie.com/
Convention and Toursit Bureau--http://www.visiteriepa.com/
Weather Forecast--http://www.weather.com/weather/local/16509?GO=GO


11:00--Assemble at the farmhouse at 3767 Station Road, Harborcreek, PA. Begin with introductions of family members and homeowner.

11:15--Background presentations on Harbor Creek, the Bliley Family, and religious lives of Catholics in the area.

11:30--Tour of the property and barns.

12:00--Lunch and tours of house begin.

2:00--Head out on driving tour.

5:00--End driving tour and return to farmhouse.


Stop 1: Retirement Home (1892-1913), 3323 South Street, Wesleyville, PA [Drive-by only, 2 miles]

Stop 2: Saint Mary's R. C. Church, 315 East 9th Street, Erie, PA. One of only two Catholic churches in the Erie area at the time of Charles and Mary Jane' marriage in this church in 1847. The church was rebuilt in 1934, but you can see gain an appreciation for the great distance it is from their home and the urban nature of the location. [Drive-by only, +10 miles]

Stop 3: Erie Cemetery, 26th and Chestnut Streets--Large cemetery located in central Erie. Location of graves of two of Charles and Mary Jane's children: Wilfred and Frank, and several of their children. [+3 miles]

Stop 4: Trinity Cemetery, West 8th (PA Route 5) and Peninsula Drive, Erie (Millcreek), PA. Bliley family plot with graves of Charles and Mary Jane Bliley, brother Andrew Blila, and several of their children. [+9 miles]

Stop 5: Return to Bliley Farmhouse. Pick up our cars, say goodbye to those not headed to the Ponderosa Restaurant.


  • Large Map: 1.2 M
  • Small Map: 725 k
    in 1906

    Photo from Sam Wagner Archives

    in 2005

    Photo from Erie County Assessor's Office


    These links are provided to help you prepare for the tour.A test will be given at the farm house before the tour begins. Do not embarrass yourself in the presence of family. Study and be prepared. ;-)