Beaver Drawing


By Chuck Bliley

NEWS! sold

On November 6, 2014, my two-acre parcel of vacant land that triggered this Web site was sold to a neighbor less than a quarter of mile away. He also purchased the adjcent 10 acre plot with plans to build a ranch home on the combined properties for himself and his wife. This sale closes a chapter in my life and stewardship of the land. I am happy with the outcome. :-)

Now, back to the original Web site content...

Welcome to the Web site of my many "adventures" in the wetlands adjacent to our old home and property at 158 Stone Road, in Henrietta, New York. This Web site was originally started as a photo album to show a few out-of-town friends and family members our "neighbors" in the wetlands. It has grown into four pages of photos and text relating to the beaver, Castor canadensis, and its activities.

Chapter 1 provides the first map and aerial photos of the area. This is a great place to start and get your bearings. If you are the type that likes to peak at the end of the story first, look at Chapter 4, the fourth installment. It has a revised aerial photo of the are with all of the known dams marked.

What ever your path, I hope you have fun!


  • CHAPTER 1: "A walk along the creek"--My first expedition to explore the creek in October 2001.
  • CHAPTER 2: "Searching for the beaver dam"--The second expedition finds a beaver dam in March 2002.
  • CHAPTER 3: "Searching for a second dam"--A third expedition by canoe trip in search of a second dam; May 2002.
  • CHAPTER 4: "Discovery of the elusive "Third Dam"--Convinced there must be a third dam downstream at the beginning of the wetlands and marsh, a third expedition was conducted in November 2002.
  • CHAPTER 5: "Winter Ice Expedition 2003", February 2003


    Low-Resolution View: 90K

    High-Resolution View: 137K

    Above is a panoramic view of the wetland and marsh area described in this series of adventures. Our home is located behind the lefthand arrow. This photo was shot from the hilltop just South of Stone Road. The downtown area of the City or Rochester is on the horizon at the center of the photo.

    Map of the wetlands as prepared by the Town of Henrietta, NY. Red area is the state designated area, the green, the Federal government, and the yellow is areas in common. Our house is located in the bright green patch on the bottom-left corner.  

    The beaver's creek is at the core of an area of several hundred acres of "wild" space. Much of this are was once farmed but this activity ceased between 30 and 50 years ago.

    The creek runs parallel to our property about 200 feet to the East (right). The dam is located approximately in the center of the photo.

    (The aerial photo on the left is from the National Coast and Geodetic Survey made in 1994 before our home was built and the extensive development in the left 1/3 portion of the area. Our property is outlined in green at the bottom lefthand corner.)